{{end}}{{if .Title.String}}diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 9f9ae97..d925a8d 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,149 +1,149 @@ GITREV=`git describe | cut -c 2-` LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-s -w -X '$(GITREV)' -extldflags '-static'" GOCMD=go GOINSTALL=$(GOCMD) install $(LDFLAGS) GOBUILD=$(GOCMD) build $(LDFLAGS) GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test $(LDFLAGS) GOGET=$(GOCMD) get BINARY_NAME=writefreely BUILDPATH=build/$(BINARY_NAME) DOCKERCMD=docker IMAGE_NAME=writeas/writefreely TMPBIN=./tmp all : build ci: deps cd cmd/writefreely; $(GOBUILD) -v build: deps cd cmd/writefreely; $(GOBUILD) -v -tags='netgo sqlite' build-no-sqlite: deps-no-sqlite cd cmd/writefreely; $(GOBUILD) -v -tags='netgo' -o $(BINARY_NAME) build-linux: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=linux/amd64, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-windows: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=windows/amd64, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-darwin: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=darwin/amd64, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-arm6: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=linux/arm-6, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-arm7: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=linux/arm-7, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-arm64: deps @hash xgo > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GOCMD) install; \ fi xgo --targets=linux/arm64, -dest build/ $(LDFLAGS) -tags='netgo sqlite' -go go-1.21.x -out writefreely -pkg ./cmd/writefreely . build-docker : $(DOCKERCMD) build -t $(IMAGE_NAME):latest -t $(IMAGE_NAME):$(GITREV) . test: $(GOTEST) -v ./... run: $(GOINSTALL) -tags='netgo sqlite' ./... $(BINARY_NAME) --debug deps : $(GOGET) -tags='sqlite' -d -v ./... deps-no-sqlite: $(GOGET) -d -v ./... install : build cmd/writefreely/$(BINARY_NAME) --config cmd/writefreely/$(BINARY_NAME) --gen-keys cmd/writefreely/$(BINARY_NAME) --init-db cd less/; $(MAKE) install $(MFLAGS) release : clean ui mkdir -p $(BUILDPATH) - cp -r templates $(BUILDPATH) - cp -r pages $(BUILDPATH) - cp -r static $(BUILDPATH) + rsync -av --exclude=".*" templates $(BUILDPATH) + rsync -av --exclude=".*" pages $(BUILDPATH) + rsync -av --exclude=".*" static $(BUILDPATH) rm -r $(BUILDPATH)/static/local scripts/ $(BUILDPATH) mkdir $(BUILDPATH)/keys $(MAKE) build-linux mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-linux-amd64 $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) $(MAKE) build-arm6 mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-linux-arm-6 $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_linux_arm6.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) $(MAKE) build-arm7 mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-linux-arm-7 $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_linux_arm7.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) $(MAKE) build-arm64 mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-linux-arm64 $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_linux_arm64.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) $(MAKE) build-darwin mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-darwin-10.12-amd64 $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_macos_amd64.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) $(MAKE) build-windows mv build/$(BINARY_NAME)-windows-4.0-amd64.exe $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME).exe cd build; zip -r ../$(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV) ./$(BINARY_NAME) rm $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME).exe $(MAKE) build-docker $(MAKE) release-docker # This assumes you're on linux/amd64 release-linux : clean ui mkdir -p $(BUILDPATH) cp -r templates $(BUILDPATH) cp -r pages $(BUILDPATH) cp -r static $(BUILDPATH) mkdir $(BUILDPATH)/keys $(MAKE) build-no-sqlite mv cmd/writefreely/$(BINARY_NAME) $(BUILDPATH)/$(BINARY_NAME) tar -cvzf $(BINARY_NAME)_$(GITREV)_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C build $(BINARY_NAME) release-docker : $(DOCKERCMD) push $(IMAGE_NAME) ui : force_look cd less/; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) cd prose/; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(TMPBIN): mkdir -p $(TMPBIN) $(TMPBIN)/xgo: deps $(TMPBIN) $(GOBUILD) -o $(TMPBIN)/xgo clean : -rm -rf build -rm -rf tmp cd less/; $(MAKE) clean $(MFLAGS) force_look : true diff --git a/ b/ index 7831e57..afb4796 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,89 +1,90 @@
This page is missing.
Are you sure it was ever here?`, } pp := po.processPost() p = &pp } else { return err } } // Check if the authenticated user is the post owner p.IsOwner = u != nil && u.ID == p.OwnerID.Int64 p.Collection = coll p.IsTopLevel = app.cfg.App.SingleUser // Only allow a post owner or admin to view a post for silenced collections if silenced && !p.IsOwner && (u == nil || !u.IsAdmin()) { return ErrPostNotFound } // Check if post has been unpublished if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusGone, "Post was unpublished."} } p.augmentContent() // Serve collection post if isRaw { contentType := "text/plain" if isJSON { contentType = "application/json" } else if isXML { contentType = "application/xml" } else if isMarkdown { contentType = "text/markdown" } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=utf-8", contentType)) if !postFound { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Post not found.") // TODO: return error instead, so status is correctly reflected in logs return nil } if isMarkdown && p.Title.String != "" { fmt.Fprintf(w, "# %s\n\n", p.Title.String) } fmt.Fprint(w, p.Content) } else if IsActivityPubRequest(r) { if !postFound { return ErrCollectionPageNotFound } p.extractData() ap := p.ActivityObject(app) ap.Context = []interface{}{activitystreams.Namespace} setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime) return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ap, http.StatusOK) } else { p.extractData() p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "", "", 1) if app.cfg.Email.Enabled() && c.EmailSubsEnabled() { // TODO: indicate plan is inactive or subs disabled when OWNER is viewing their own post. if u != nil && u.IsEmailSubscriber(app, c.ID) { p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "", `You're subscribed to email updates. Unsubscribe.
`, -1) } else { p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "", ``, -1) } } p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "<!--emailsub-->", "", 1) // TODO: move this to function p.formatContent(app.cfg, cr.isCollOwner, true) tp := CollectionPostPage{ PublicPost: p, StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r), IsOwner: cr.isCollOwner, IsCustomDomain: cr.isCustomDomain, IsFound: postFound, Silenced: silenced, CollAlias: c.Alias, } tp.IsAdmin = u != nil && u.IsAdmin() tp.CanInvite = canUserInvite(app.cfg, tp.IsAdmin) tp.PinnedPosts, _ = app.db.GetPinnedPosts(coll, p.IsOwner) tp.IsPinned = len(*tp.PinnedPosts) > 0 && PostsContains(tp.PinnedPosts, p) tp.Monetization = coll.Monetization tp.Verification = coll.Verification if !postFound { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } postTmpl := "collection-post" if app.cfg.App.Chorus { postTmpl = "chorus-collection-post" } if err := templates[postTmpl].ExecuteTemplate(w, "post", tp); err != nil { log.Error("Error in %s template: %v", postTmpl, err) } } go func() { if p.OwnerID.Valid { // Post is owned by someone. Don't update stats if owner is viewing the post. if u != nil && p.OwnerID.Int64 == u.ID { return } } // Update stats for non-raw post views if !isRaw && r.Method != "HEAD" && !bots.IsBot(r.UserAgent()) { _, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET view_count = view_count + 1 WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = ?", slug, coll.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update posts count: %v", err) } } }() return nil } // TODO: move this to utils after making it more generic func PostsContains(sl *[]PublicPost, s *PublicPost) bool { for _, e := range *sl { if e.ID == s.ID { return true } } return false } func (p *Post) extractData() { p.Tags = tags.Extract(p.Content) p.extractImages() } func (p *Post) IsSans() bool { return p.Font == "sans" } func (p *Post) IsMonospace() bool { return p.Font == "mono" } func (rp *RawPost) UserFacingCreated() string { return rp.Created.Format(postMetaDateFormat) } func (rp *RawPost) Created8601() string { return rp.Created.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z") } func (rp *RawPost) Updated8601() string { if rp.Updated.IsZero() { return "" } return rp.Updated.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z") } var imageURLRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)[^ ]+\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|avif|avifs|webp|jxl|image)$`) func (p *Post) extractImages() { p.Images = extractImages(p.Content) } func extractImages(content string) []string { matches := extract.ExtractUrls(content) urls := map[string]bool{} for i := range matches { uRaw := matches[i].Text // Parse the extracted text so we can examine the path u, err := url.Parse(uRaw) if err != nil { continue } // Ensure the path looks like it leads to an image file if !imageURLRegex.MatchString(u.Path) { continue } urls[uRaw] = true } resURLs := make([]string, 0) for k := range urls { resURLs = append(resURLs, k) } return resURLs } diff --git a/routes.go b/routes.go index efa79ea..a5b0f2f 100644 --- a/routes.go +++ b/routes.go @@ -1,247 +1,249 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2021 Musing Studio LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "net/http" "net/url" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) // InitStaticRoutes adds routes for serving static files. // TODO: this should just be a func, not method func (app *App) InitStaticRoutes(r *mux.Router) { // Handle static files fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.StaticParentDir, staticDir))) fs = cacheControl(fs) app.shttp = http.NewServeMux() app.shttp.Handle("/", fs) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler(fs) } // InitRoutes adds dynamic routes for the given mux.Router. func InitRoutes(apper Apper, r *mux.Router) *mux.Router { // Create handler handler := NewWFHandler(apper) // Set up routes hostSubroute := apper.App().cfg.App.Host[strings.Index(apper.App().cfg.App.Host, "://")+3:] if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { hostSubroute = "{domain}" } else { if strings.HasPrefix(hostSubroute, "localhost") { hostSubroute = "localhost" } } if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { log.Info("Adding %s routes (single user)...", hostSubroute) } else { log.Info("Adding %s routes (multi-user)...", hostSubroute) } // Primary app routes write := r.PathPrefix("/").Subrouter() // Federation endpoint configurations wf := webfinger.Default(wfResolver{apper.App().db, apper.App().cfg}) wf.NoTLSHandler = nil // Federation endpoints // host-meta write.HandleFunc("/.well-known/host-meta", handler.Web(handleViewHostMeta, UserLevelReader)) // webfinger write.HandleFunc(webfinger.WebFingerPath, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(wf.Webfinger))) // nodeinfo niCfg := nodeInfoConfig(apper.App().db, apper.App().cfg) ni := nodeinfo.NewService(*niCfg, nodeInfoResolver{apper.App().cfg, apper.App().db}) write.HandleFunc(nodeinfo.NodeInfoPath, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(ni.NodeInfoDiscover))) write.HandleFunc(niCfg.InfoURL, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(ni.NodeInfo))) // handle mentions write.HandleFunc("/@/{handle}", handler.Web(handleViewMention, UserLevelReader)) configureSlackOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureWriteAsOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureGitlabOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureGenericOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureGiteaOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) // Set up dynamic page handlers // Handle auth auth := write.PathPrefix("/api/auth/").Subrouter() if apper.App().cfg.App.OpenRegistration { auth.HandleFunc("/signup", handler.All(apiSignup)).Methods("POST") } auth.HandleFunc("/login", handler.All(login)).Methods("POST") auth.HandleFunc("/read", handler.WebErrors(handleWebCollectionUnlock, UserLevelNone)).Methods("POST") auth.HandleFunc("/me", handler.All(handleAPILogout)).Methods("DELETE") // Handle logged in user sections me := write.PathPrefix("/me").Subrouter() me.HandleFunc("/", handler.Redirect("/me", UserLevelUser)) me.HandleFunc("/c", handler.Redirect("/me/c/", UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/", handler.User(viewCollections)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/{collection}", handler.User(viewEditCollection)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/{collection}/stats", handler.User(viewStats)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/{collection}/subscribers", handler.User(handleViewSubscribers)).Methods("GET") me.Path("/delete").Handler(csrf.Protect(apper.App().keys.CSRFKey)(handler.User(handleUserDelete))).Methods("POST") me.HandleFunc("/posts", handler.Redirect("/me/posts/", UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/", handler.User(viewArticles)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/export.csv", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/export.json", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/export", handler.User(viewExportOptions)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/export.json", handler.Download(viewExportFull, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/import", handler.User(viewImport)).Methods("GET") me.Path("/settings").Handler(csrf.Protect(apper.App().keys.CSRFKey)(handler.User(viewSettings))).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/invites", handler.User(handleViewUserInvites)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/logout", handler.Web(viewLogout, UserLevelNone)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/api/me", handler.All(viewMeAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe := write.PathPrefix("/api/me/").Subrouter() apiMe.HandleFunc("/", handler.All(viewMeAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/posts", handler.UserWebAPI(viewMyPostsAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/collections", handler.UserAPI(viewMyCollectionsAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/password", handler.All(updatePassphrase)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/self", handler.All(updateSettings)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/invites", handler.User(handleCreateUserInvite)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/import", handler.User(handleImport)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/oauth/remove", handler.User(removeOauth)).Methods("POST") // Sign up validation write.HandleFunc("/api/alias", handler.All(handleUsernameCheck)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/api/markdown", handler.All(handleRenderMarkdown)).Methods("POST") instanceURL, _ := url.Parse(apper.App().Config().App.Host) host := instanceURL.Host // Handle collections write.HandleFunc("/api/collections", handler.All(newCollection)).Methods("POST") apiColls := write.PathPrefix("/api/collections/").Subrouter() apiColls.HandleFunc("/monetization-pointer", handler.PlainTextAPI(handleSPSPEndpoint)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/"+host, handler.AllReader(fetchCollection)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-]+}", handler.AllReader(fetchCollection)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-]+}", handler.All(existingCollection)).Methods("POST", "DELETE") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts", handler.AllReader(fetchCollectionPosts)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts", handler.All(newPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post}", handler.AllReader(fetchPost)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}", handler.All(existingPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post}/splitcontent", handler.AllReader(handleGetSplitContent)).Methods("GET", "POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post}/{property}", handler.AllReader(fetchPostProperty)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/collect", handler.All(addPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/pin", handler.All(pinPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/unpin", handler.All(pinPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/email/subscribe", handler.All(handleCreateEmailSubscription)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/email/subscribe", handler.All(handleDeleteEmailSubscription)).Methods("DELETE") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{collection}/email/unsubscribe", handler.All(handleDeleteEmailSubscription)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/inbox", handler.All(handleFetchCollectionInbox)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/outbox", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionOutbox)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/following", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionFollowing)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/followers", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionFollowers)).Methods("GET") // Handle posts write.HandleFunc("/api/posts", handler.All(newPost)).Methods("POST") posts := write.PathPrefix("/api/posts/").Subrouter() + posts.HandleFunc("/claim", handler.All(addPost)).Methods("POST") + posts.HandleFunc("/disperse", handler.All(dispersePost)).Methods("POST") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}", handler.AllReader(fetchPost)).Methods("GET") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}", handler.All(existingPost)).Methods("POST", "PUT") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}", handler.All(deletePost)).Methods("DELETE") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}/{property}", handler.AllReader(fetchPostProperty)).Methods("GET") - posts.HandleFunc("/claim", handler.All(addPost)).Methods("POST") - posts.HandleFunc("/disperse", handler.All(dispersePost)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/auth/signup", handler.Web(handleWebSignup, UserLevelNoneRequired)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/auth/login", handler.Web(webLogin, UserLevelNoneRequired)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminDash)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/monitor", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminMonitor)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/settings", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminSettings)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/users", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUsers)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUser)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}/delete", handler.Admin(handleAdminDeleteUser)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}/status", handler.Admin(handleAdminToggleUserStatus)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}/passphrase", handler.Admin(handleAdminResetUserPass)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/pages", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminPages)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/page/{slug}", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminPage)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/update/config", handler.AdminApper(handleAdminUpdateConfig)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/update/{page}", handler.Admin(handleAdminUpdateSite)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/updates", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUpdates)).Methods("GET") // Handle special pages first write.Path("/reset").Handler(csrf.Protect(apper.App().keys.CSRFKey)(handler.Web(viewResetPassword, UserLevelNoneRequired))) write.HandleFunc("/login", handler.Web(viewLogin, UserLevelNoneRequired)) write.HandleFunc("/signup", handler.Web(handleViewLanding, UserLevelNoneRequired)) write.HandleFunc("/invite/{code:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewInvite, UserLevelOptional)).Methods("GET") // TODO: show a reader-specific 404 page if the function is disabled write.HandleFunc("/read", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, UserLevelReader)) RouteRead(handler, UserLevelReader, write.PathPrefix("/read").Subrouter()) draftEditPrefix := "" if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { draftEditPrefix = "/d" write.HandleFunc("/me/new", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") } else { write.HandleFunc("/new", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") } // All the existing stuff write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{action}/edit", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{action}/meta", handler.Web(handleViewMeta, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") // Collections if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { RouteCollections(handler, write.PathPrefix("/").Subrouter()) } else { write.HandleFunc("/{prefix:[@~$!\\-+]}{collection}", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) write.HandleFunc("/{collection}/", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) RouteCollections(handler, write.PathPrefix("/{prefix:[@~$!\\-+]?}{collection}").Subrouter()) // Posts } write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{post}", handler.Web(handleViewPost, UserLevelOptional)) write.HandleFunc("/", handler.Web(handleViewHome, UserLevelOptional)) return r } func RouteCollections(handler *Handler, r *mux.Router) { r.HandleFunc("/logout", handler.Web(handleLogOutCollection, UserLevelOptional)) r.HandleFunc("/page/{page:[0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) + r.HandleFunc("/archive/", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) + r.HandleFunc("/{archive:archive}/page/{page:[0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/lang:{lang:[a-z]{2}}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionLang, UserLevelOptional)) r.HandleFunc("/lang:{lang:[a-z]{2}}/page/{page:[0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionLang, UserLevelOptional)) r.HandleFunc("/tag:{tag}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionTag, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/tag:{tag}/page/{page:[0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionTag, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/tag:{tag}/feed/", handler.Web(ViewFeed, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/sitemap.xml", handler.AllReader(handleViewSitemap)) r.HandleFunc("/feed/", handler.AllReader(ViewFeed)) r.HandleFunc("/email/confirm/{subscriber}", handler.All(handleConfirmEmailSubscription)).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/email/unsubscribe/{subscriber}", handler.All(handleDeleteEmailSubscription)).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{slug}", handler.CollectionPostOrStatic) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/edit", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/edit/meta", handler.Web(handleViewMeta, UserLevelUser)) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/", handler.Web(handleCollectionPostRedirect, UserLevelReader)).Methods("GET") } func RouteRead(handler *Handler, readPerm UserLevelFunc, r *mux.Router) { r.HandleFunc("/api/posts", handler.Web(viewLocalTimelineAPI, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/p/{page}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/feed/", handler.Web(viewLocalTimelineFeed, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/t/{tag}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/a/{post}", handler.Web(handlePostIDRedirect, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/{author}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) } diff --git a/sitemap.go b/sitemap.go index 0bbcefb..22e4bb4 100644 --- a/sitemap.go +++ b/sitemap.go @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2019 Musing Studio LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" ) func buildSitemap(host, alias string) *stm.Sitemap { sm := stm.NewSitemap(0) sm.SetDefaultHost(host) if alias != "/" { sm.SetSitemapsPath(alias) } sm.Create() // Note: Do not call `sm.Finalize()` because it flushes // the underlying datastructure from memory to disk. return sm } func handleViewSitemap(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { vars := mux.Vars(r) // Determine canonical blog URL alias := vars["collection"] subdomain := vars["subdomain"] isSubdomain := subdomain != "" if isSubdomain { alias = subdomain } host := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", app.cfg.App.Host, alias) var c *Collection var err error pre := "/" if app.cfg.App.SingleUser { c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1) } else { c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias) } if err != nil { return err } c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host if !isSubdomain { pre += alias + "/" } host = c.CanonicalURL() sm := buildSitemap(host, pre) - posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, 0, false, false, false) + posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, 0, false, false, false, "") if err != nil { log.Error("Error getting posts: %v", err) return err } lastSiteMod := time.Now() for i, p := range *posts { if i == 0 { lastSiteMod = p.Updated } u := stm.URL{ {"loc", p.Slug.String}, {"changefreq", "weekly"}, {"mobile", true}, {"lastmod", p.Updated}, } if len(p.Images) > 0 { imgs := []stm.URL{} for _, i := range p.Images { imgs = append(imgs, stm.URL{ {"loc", i}, {"title", ""}, }) } u = append(u, []interface{}{"image", imgs}) } sm.Add(u) } // Add top URL sm.Add(stm.URL{ {"loc", pre}, {"changefreq", "daily"}, {"priority", "1.0"}, {"lastmod", lastSiteMod}, }) w.Write(sm.XMLContent()) return nil } diff --git a/templates.go b/templates.go index 3bb7d13..484bb99 100644 --- a/templates.go +++ b/templates.go @@ -1,240 +1,240 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2021 Musing Studio LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "errors" "html/template" "io" - "os" "net/http" + "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) var ( templates = map[string]*template.Template{} pages = map[string]*template.Template{} userPages = map[string]*template.Template{} funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "largeNumFmt": largeNumFmt, "pluralize": pluralize, "isRTL": isRTL, "isLTR": isLTR, "localstr": localStr, "localhtml": localHTML, "tolower": strings.ToLower, "title": strings.Title, "hasPrefix": strings.HasPrefix, "hasSuffix": strings.HasSuffix, "dict": dict, } ) const ( templatesDir = "templates" pagesDir = "pages" ) func showUserPage(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, obj interface{}) { if obj == nil { log.Error("showUserPage: data is nil!") return } if err := userPages[filepath.Join("user", name+".tmpl")].ExecuteTemplate(w, name, obj); err != nil { log.Error("Error parsing %s: %v", name, err) } } func initTemplate(parentDir, name string) { if debugging { log.Info(" " + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl")) } files := []string{ filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), } - if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "read" { + if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-archive" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "read" { // These pages list out collection posts, so we also parse templatesDir + "include/posts.tmpl" files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "posts.tmpl")) } if name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" { files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl")) } - if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-post" || name == "post" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" { + if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-archive" || name == "collection-post" || name == "post" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" { files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "post-render.tmpl")) } templates[name] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(files...)) } func initPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } files := []string{ path, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), } if key == "login.tmpl" || key == "landing.tmpl" || key == "signup.tmpl" { files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "oauth.tmpl")) } pages[key] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(files...)) } func initUserPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } userPages[key] = template.Must(template.New(key).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( path, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "nav.tmpl"), )) } // InitTemplates loads all template files from the configured parent dir. func InitTemplates(cfg *config.Config) error { log.Info("Loading templates...") tmplFiles, err := os.ReadDir(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir)) if err != nil { return err } for _, f := range tmplFiles { if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { parts := strings.Split(f.Name(), ".") key := parts[0] initTemplate(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, key) } } log.Info("Loading pages...") // Initialize all static pages that use the base template err = filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, pagesDir), func(path string, i os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if !i.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(i.Name(), ".") { key := i.Name() initPage(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) if err != nil { return err } log.Info("Loading user pages...") // Initialize all user pages that use base templates err = filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir, "user"), func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { corePath := path if cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir != "" { corePath = corePath[len(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir)+1:] } parts := strings.Split(corePath, string(filepath.Separator)) key := f.Name() if len(parts) > 2 { key = filepath.Join(parts[1], f.Name()) } initUserPage(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // renderPage retrieves the given template and renders it to the given io.Writer. // If something goes wrong, the error is logged and returned. func renderPage(w io.Writer, tmpl string, data interface{}) error { err := pages[tmpl].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", data) if err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) } return err } func largeNumFmt(n int64) string { return humanize.Comma(n) } func pluralize(singular, plural string, n int64) string { if n == 1 { return singular } return plural } func isRTL(d string) bool { return d == "rtl" } func isLTR(d string) bool { return d == "ltr" || d == "auto" } func localStr(term, lang string) string { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } return s } func localHTML(term, lang string) template.HTML { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } s = strings.Replace(s, "", "writefreely", 1) return template.HTML(s) } // from: func dict(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) { if len(values)%2 != 0 { return nil, errors.New("dict: invalid number of parameters") } dict := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2) for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 { key, ok := values[i].(string) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("dict: keys must be strings") } dict[key] = values[i+1] } return dict, nil } diff --git a/templates/collection-archive.tmpl b/templates/collection-archive.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5256c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/collection-archive.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +{{define "collection"}} + + + + +{{.Flash}}
{{end}}{{if .Title.String}}Scheduled
{{end}} {{if .Title.String}}Stats for all time.
{{if or .Federation .EmailEnabled}}Fediverse Followers | {{end}} {{if .EmailEnabled}}Email Subscribers | {{end}}
{{.APFollowers}} | {{end}} {{if .EmailEnabled}}{{.EmailSubscribers}} | {{end}}
Post | {{if not .Collection}}Blog | {{end}}Total Views | + {{if .Federation}}Likes | {{end}}
{{if ne .DisplayTitle ""}}{{.DisplayTitle}}{{else}}{{.ID}}{{end}} | {{ if not $.Collection }}{{if .Collection}}{{.Collection.Title}}{{else}}Draft{{end}} | {{ end }}{{.ViewCount}} | + {{if $.Federation}}{{.LikeCount}} | {{end}}